Online Trading Platform, a Fintech Innovation that Paved the Way for New Opportunities

Financial technology or fintech innovations have brought many improvements in the delivery of financial services to consumers and business organizations. The trading platforms of the new breed of investment brokers for one, have made opportunities for investing in the financial markets accessible online, as well as easier to process and manage.

Still, not all online trading platforms are alike as some have more advanced features that give investment brokers an edge over competitors. Although such advanced features are designed to improve the usability and functions of a trading platform, they also denote higher fees. if one is still at that stage of choosing an investment broker who will act as one’s intermediary in the financial markets, it’s important to have an understanding of the basic features of a broker’s trading platform .

Basic Features of an Online Trading Platform

Online brokers offer the use of a proprietary trading platform that financial market investors can use in opening, closing, monitoring and managing their trading positions. The trading platform is the means by which brokers deliver automated financial trading services in exchange for a stipulated fee.

Generally, basic platforms provide trading channels for different types of investment products like stocks, bonds, foreign currencies, commodities, and futures or options for financial derivatives. Some though are tailored to offer only specific markets such as crypto assets; or for CFDs (Contracts for Differences) on stocks, foreign currencies, cryptocurrencies or precious commodities.

The most basic features are the order entry screens, accounts for maintaining trading funds, tools for monitoring trades and investments, charting tools, real-time quotes, news feeds and educational or instructional research materials as aid for new traders. Some trading platforms include a demo trading platform as a way of helping new users learn how to use the features before they carry on with actual trade.

Nowadays, trading platforms include a mobile application as a basic feature to make the software accessible to smartphone users anywhere and any time.

Types of Trading Platforms

A trading platform can be categorized as a commercial platform for use of day traders and retail investors. It can also be a prop platform, developed and designed for large scale brokerages in tailor fit for a specific trading style along with its specific trading requirements. The latter type is best best for institutional investors who trade with large blocks of securities.

Choosing a platform though should take into consideration not only the fees, because lower costs could equate to fewer features as trade-offs. Yet advanced features depend on the level of expertise of a trader and on how such features help in their decision-making. The usability of other advanced features also depends on a trader’s investing style and preferred investment products, to which visualizations and real-time streaming is of great importance.

One platform that has been drawing attention today is Rakuten Trade, but since the trading platform is of foreign-origin, interested users ask “is Rakuten Trade safe?”.

A Quick Look at Rakuten Trader and Its Trading Platform

Rakuten Trade is actually a multi-awarded trading platform licensed by the Malaysian Securities Commission since 2017, to carry on with a restricted Capital Markets Services Licence. The reason why this platform is drawing serious attention from investors in other countries is because Rakuten Trade’s trading software enable user to trade in Malaysia’s financial markets.

At a minimal cost, foreign investors can invest and trade on Malaysian stocks, exchange traded funds (ETFs) or real estate investment trusts (REITs). After all, most financial advisors recommend investing in foreigna securities as a way of diversifying one’s investment portfolio.

Why Accounting Software is an Essential Business Asset?

Accounting software is designed specifically to help accountants as well as bookkeepers to record and report all financial transactions processed by a company. This can be used by virtually any business whether a site like, brick and mortar store, online shop and so forth.

The function of such program varies greatly, depending on the developer it was got from. Bigger companies might opt to utilize bespoke solution that integrates large amount of data from multiple departments. Unlike with smaller businesses, they can easily get off-the-shelf software and use it on the go.

What Exactly is Account Software?

Long before these programs become available, businesses do these tasks manually by using tons of transaction journals. For any business of today, accounting software plays a critical role. The software makes it possible for businesses to have detailed monitoring of their financial transactions and even perform analysis on it.

Performing ad hoc reports was impractical because number one, it is labor intensive and time consuming as a result of performing manual entries. Accounting software on the other hand is automating these tasks. In the process, it allows businesses to reduce accounting costs and lets them have smarter and wiser financial decisions.

Save and Pull Up Data when Needed

Accounting software enables businesses to store huge amount of data without taking up big physical space on their office. As a result, it makes companies to not worry about finding office space to keep binders of data, which is then added to their overall profit.

The ability of accessing the accounting information via software makes it simpler to work on audits, especially those that need evaluation information from the prior years. This isn’t just useful when performing internal audits but this helps as well external groups like the IRS if ever they have to perform financial investigations.

Software Consideration

It is important as well to know how or where the software will be deployed. For instance, is going to be hosted as SaaS or software a service, in the cloud or onsite? These are only one of the questions that have to be clarified before investing in one.

There are several accounting software suits that are general which could be used for all kinds of companies while some other packages need customization to meet specific business requirements or industry. Just as with any other software packages, the pricing for one will vary from flat rate, per user basis, tiered basis or subscription. This will be under the company’s management discretion.