
Entrepreneur Should Use Accounting Software

Hardly any entrepreneur is happy with it: accounting. Nevertheless, it is important to set up a good administration and it is also useful to have some basic knowledge of accounting. Keeping records is a legal requirement, so whether you like it or not, bookkeeping is a must as an entrepreneur. The right accounting software can help you make this (ever) recurring entrepreneurial task easier. Of course, as an entrepreneur, you want your company to be (or become) profitable so that you have an income to live on and do fun things. And maybe you want to invest further in your company. An online accounting package not only ensures that you meet the obligation to keep records but can also help you further. That is if you use your accounting package as a tool to gain insight into the figures of your company and to steer your company.

The benefits of accounting software as an entrepreneur

Every accounting package has different functionalities, but for most packages, they make the administrative work easier for you. You can of course also keep an administration in Excel or even offline, but using an accounting program has many advantages. The advantages at a glance:

Automatic calculations make it easier

An accounting program ensures that necessary calculations are done automatically. For example, if you have entered all purchases and sales, an accounting program automatically calculates the sales tax that you have to pay (or get back) over a month, quarter,  or year. This saves a lot of (calculating) time, prevents errors, and it ensures ease of use.

Accounting software provides speed

Self-employed persons and SMEs benefit from speed in invoicing and, for example, time registration. There are accounting packages that automatically prepare invoices for you and in which you can easily keep track of your hours. This ensures that you spend as little time as possible on the so-called “administrative hassle” that you as an entrepreneur usually do not want.

A quick insight into the figures of your company

If you have entered your purchases and sales, credits and depreciation, you usually no longer have to worry about drawing up the profit and loss account or the balance sheet. The accounting package also directly calculates how much money is currently in your company (liquidity forecast). This is all automatic and you, therefore, have insight into the financial health of your company at a glance. This also makes you more professional as an entrepreneur, because you can calculate, for example, whether your hourly rate or sales price is sufficient. Or maybe you need to adjust your expenses a bit?

Overview in the administration

Many accounting packages also provide overviews and graphs from the data you enter. For example, you can see the status of (the course of) expenses (costs), profit, turnover, etc. You can also see, for example, which VAT returns you have already made, or which invoices you have sent, and what is still to be done. has to happen. Because everything is clearly arranged, you will not forget anything quickly and your administration is in order. Tip: make sure you also scan your receipts and invoices so that you have everything digitally. There are special apps available for this.

New tax rules are processed in a package with updates

With an accounting package, you don’t have to worry about new tax rules and how to apply them. For example, if the high VAT rate is adjusted to a higher or lower percentage, the supplier usually provides an update of the package. Then you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Many packages also automatically back up your data. Incidentally, it is still advisable to make backups yourself, because as an entrepreneur you remain ultimately responsible for the tax authorities. If you are interested come and visit this site

Always access because your administration is online

The advantage of an online accounting package is that you can update or view your administration anywhere. And the same goes for your bookkeeper/accountant when you give him or her access. This makes communication and collaboration with your accountant faster and easier. You can also discuss matters with your accountant by telephone or online. For example, you can enter the purchase and sales invoices yourself and ask the bookkeeper to check your entries and – if necessary – adjust them.

Online accounting program: filing returns faster

Reporting to the Tax Authorities can only be done online (or electronically, as the Tax Authorities call it). That is why it is useful to be able to send your tax return to the Tax Authorities from your accounting package with 1 press of a button. Retyping Excel sheets (or paper) of course takes more time and therefore it is also more error-prone. If you have to file a VAT return 4 times a year and 1 time a year for income tax, it is a great advantage if your returns can be done almost completely automatically.

Is Over 50’S Life Insurance For You – Manage Finances With Personal Finance Software To Help With Your Financial Goals

In life, there are numerous financial milestones to prepare for ahead of time, such as paying for education, purchasing a house, and saving for retirement. Aside from anticipated future expenses, it is best to also be prepared to be able to pay for unexpected expenses and unplanned events.

Making certain that you have the proper financial resources ready is crucial, particularly if you have a family who depend on you and your income. A life insurance is one possibility to build financial security and protect your loved ones in the event of your death.

But, not everyone has a life insurance and some policyholders don’t feel that they are adequately insured. To avoid this, it is important to determine your needs and what you want the policy to do for you so as to make the proper choice. For those over 50 years old, an over 50’s life insurance plan is one option.

Over 50’S Life Insurance

Compared to a standard life insurance plan, an over 50’s life insurance is somewhat different . It is a kind of insurance that allows you to leave to your loved ones a guaranteed fixed lump sum when you’ve passed on. They can put the money towards your funeral expenses, pay off debts, or anything else they might need it for.

An over 50’s Life Insurance is available to individuals who are between 50 and 80 years old and don’t want to discuss about their personal health. Since one doesn’t have to answer medical questions or present evidence for the application to be completed, anyone who is aged 50 and over can take out a policy and be guaranteed approval.

While an over 50’s life insurance guarantees a lump sum to leave to your loved ones when you die, this type of life insurance isn’t your only option. However, if the worst happens, you could have peace of mind knowing your family has something to use for your funeral. Do check out

Efficiently Manage Your Finance With Personal Finance Software And Apps

When taking out any type of life insurance policy or any kind of insurance plan, you agree to pay your insurance provider the specified monthly premium for a certain span of time. While a life insurance helps you build financial security and financial protection for your loved ones when you’ve passed away, it is crucial that you are consistent and up to date with your payments for your policy to remain active.

You then need to efficiently manage your current and upcoming finances so as to make certain you are able to pay for your monthly premium as well as other expenses.

To help you with this, there are personal finance software and apps to make you more efficient at money management as well as help you find more ways to meet and fulfill your short-term and long-term financial goals. Among the features offered by personal finance software and apps includes:

  • Online Banking – Allows you to download transactions as well as send payments automatically
  • Account Registers – Offers you an brilliant platform for you to input, edit, as well as delete accounts
  • Statement Reconciliation – Lets you track your banking statements ensuring all transactions are accounted for which prevents account fraud and bank errors
  • Balance Forecast – Allows you to make forecasts and estimates on future account balances which are crucial to prevent inadequate funds or bankruptcy
  • Deposit And Bill Reminder – Allows you to schedule deposit and bill reminders for you see and not forget upcoming payments
  • Mobile App – Allows you to be monitor and update your finances anytime and anywhere
  • Cash Flow Statement – Lets you bring up to date cash flow statement automatically as well as allow you to view your past and future monthly financial activity

Online Trading Platform, a Fintech Innovation that Paved the Way for New Opportunities

Financial technology or fintech innovations have brought many improvements in the delivery of financial services to consumers and business organizations. The trading platforms of the new breed of investment brokers for one, have made opportunities for investing in the financial markets accessible online, as well as easier to process and manage.

Still, not all online trading platforms are alike as some have more advanced features that give investment brokers an edge over competitors. Although such advanced features are designed to improve the usability and functions of a trading platform, they also denote higher fees. if one is still at that stage of choosing an investment broker who will act as one’s intermediary in the financial markets, it’s important to have an understanding of the basic features of a broker’s trading platform .

Basic Features of an Online Trading Platform

Online brokers offer the use of a proprietary trading platform that financial market investors can use in opening, closing, monitoring and managing their trading positions. The trading platform is the means by which brokers deliver automated financial trading services in exchange for a stipulated fee.

Generally, basic platforms provide trading channels for different types of investment products like stocks, bonds, foreign currencies, commodities, and futures or options for financial derivatives. Some though are tailored to offer only specific markets such as crypto assets; or for CFDs (Contracts for Differences) on stocks, foreign currencies, cryptocurrencies or precious commodities.

The most basic features are the order entry screens, accounts for maintaining trading funds, tools for monitoring trades and investments, charting tools, real-time quotes, news feeds and educational or instructional research materials as aid for new traders. Some trading platforms include a demo trading platform as a way of helping new users learn how to use the features before they carry on with actual trade.

Nowadays, trading platforms include a mobile application as a basic feature to make the software accessible to smartphone users anywhere and any time.

Types of Trading Platforms

A trading platform can be categorized as a commercial platform for use of day traders and retail investors. It can also be a prop platform, developed and designed for large scale brokerages in tailor fit for a specific trading style along with its specific trading requirements. The latter type is best best for institutional investors who trade with large blocks of securities.

Choosing a platform though should take into consideration not only the fees, because lower costs could equate to fewer features as trade-offs. Yet advanced features depend on the level of expertise of a trader and on how such features help in their decision-making. The usability of other advanced features also depends on a trader’s investing style and preferred investment products, to which visualizations and real-time streaming is of great importance.

One platform that has been drawing attention today is Rakuten Trade, but since the trading platform is of foreign-origin, interested users ask “is Rakuten Trade safe?”.

A Quick Look at Rakuten Trader and Its Trading Platform

Rakuten Trade is actually a multi-awarded trading platform licensed by the Malaysian Securities Commission since 2017, to carry on with a restricted Capital Markets Services Licence. The reason why this platform is drawing serious attention from investors in other countries is because Rakuten Trade’s trading software enable user to trade in Malaysia’s financial markets.

At a minimal cost, foreign investors can invest and trade on Malaysian stocks, exchange traded funds (ETFs) or real estate investment trusts (REITs). After all, most financial advisors recommend investing in foreigna securities as a way of diversifying one’s investment portfolio.

Why Accounting Software is an Essential Business Asset?

Accounting software is designed specifically to help accountants as well as bookkeepers to record and report all financial transactions processed by a company. This can be used by virtually any business whether a site like, brick and mortar store, online shop and so forth.

The function of such program varies greatly, depending on the developer it was got from. Bigger companies might opt to utilize bespoke solution that integrates large amount of data from multiple departments. Unlike with smaller businesses, they can easily get off-the-shelf software and use it on the go.

What Exactly is Account Software?

Long before these programs become available, businesses do these tasks manually by using tons of transaction journals. For any business of today, accounting software plays a critical role. The software makes it possible for businesses to have detailed monitoring of their financial transactions and even perform analysis on it.

Performing ad hoc reports was impractical because number one, it is labor intensive and time consuming as a result of performing manual entries. Accounting software on the other hand is automating these tasks. In the process, it allows businesses to reduce accounting costs and lets them have smarter and wiser financial decisions.

Save and Pull Up Data when Needed

Accounting software enables businesses to store huge amount of data without taking up big physical space on their office. As a result, it makes companies to not worry about finding office space to keep binders of data, which is then added to their overall profit.

The ability of accessing the accounting information via software makes it simpler to work on audits, especially those that need evaluation information from the prior years. This isn’t just useful when performing internal audits but this helps as well external groups like the IRS if ever they have to perform financial investigations.

Software Consideration

It is important as well to know how or where the software will be deployed. For instance, is going to be hosted as SaaS or software a service, in the cloud or onsite? These are only one of the questions that have to be clarified before investing in one.

There are several accounting software suits that are general which could be used for all kinds of companies while some other packages need customization to meet specific business requirements or industry. Just as with any other software packages, the pricing for one will vary from flat rate, per user basis, tiered basis or subscription. This will be under the company’s management discretion.

Reasons for Investing in Accounting Software

Being a small business owner can make you caught up easily in its day-to-day operations. At some point of its lifetime, ask yourself regarding tasks you have completed. One thing that you must give thorough consideration is whether you must invest in accounting software?

Accounting Software Integration

There are numerous benefits provided by accounting software. If you are wondering what these benefits are, then keep reading the entire thing.

Boost Efficiency

Personal debt collection company and every other business for that matter only wants the highest level of efficiency for their business. This is true particularly if you’re doing administrative responsibilities to ensure that your business will keep growing. By using accounting software, it allows you to swiftly get in and out of your company’s books. Thus, giving you more time to concentrate on more productive tasks.

There are plenty of accounting software applications that lets you do the bookkeeping of your business in just few steps. Some are so simple that you only need to enter the transaction performed and the software will automatically compute for the total. If you are using cloud accounting software on the other hand, then you can pretty much do your business accounting regardless of your location. Of course, so long as you are connected to the internet.

Business Automation

Automation simplifies accounting-related tasks. Depending on the type of accounting software you’ve chosen, the program will have the capability of the following:

  • Generating invoices
  • Compiling statements and;
  • Adding totals

This automation features literally saves you the trouble of having to calculate everything manually.

Besides, automatic totals are more accurate compared to manually calculated figures. There’s less room for errors too when the software computed for the expense and income totals. Meaning to say, you’re about to have a clearer picture of the bottom line of your business.

Simplifying Tax Filing

Disorganized financial records can easily cost businesses big money when filing their taxes. If you will be handing the receipts over to accountants, it may be a sign that you have to invest in accounting software; even the basic ones. Misrepresented information on returns may make you pay fines, penalties as well as legal issues. Unless you are confident that you’d misrecord a sale or lose a receipt, then the software may be your best bet.

Simply put, the presence of an accounting software program in your business helps you in organizing everything to ensure that taxes are filed and submitted accurately.

The Telegram Messaging App and Its Forex Trading Channels

To understand how providers of forex and cryptocurrency signals render services, one can simply take a close look at Telegram’s Forex Trading Signal Channels.

While Telegram is mainly a messaging application, it stands out from other social messaging apps, because the platform also contains several foreign and cryptocurrency exchange channels that allow users to receive and send not only fun conversations. Telegram app users can also connect their Meta Trader account/s and their brokers to signal providers in forex signals telegram channels .

Through Telegram’s Forex Trading Channels, trading signals providers build their Expert Advisor (“EA”) messaging account using a Telegram Bot. The “bot” enables EAs to query and reply to trading orders from Telegram’s Metatrader 4 (MT4) or MT5 account users, as part of their trading services, EA members of the Telegram Forex Trading Channel can process trading messages given as instructions by customers.

Additional exceptional features of Telegram’s trading platform is the availability of trading signals in different languages, as well as the ability to read signal displayed as images.

About Telegram’s MetaTrader Account and Connector Software

Telegram messaging app users who engage in forex and crypto trading but want to be constantly on their toes in managing their trading activities need only to connect their MetaTrader account by way of the Telegram Connector software. Any type of MetaTrader account whether MT4 (specifically for forex traders) or MT5 (for traders of stocks, CFDs and futures) can be connected by the Telegram Connector to any of the EA’s providing their services in Telegram’s Forex Trading Signals Channel.

First off, Telegram connected MT4 or MT 5 account users must make sure their account is also connected to a broker. That way, signals received as notifications can be executed by the Telegram EA servicing the customer’s Telegram meta trader account.

About Telegram’s Connector Software

Telegram’s Connector software is quite versatile as it enables app users to trade foreign currencies, commodities, indices and cryptocurrencies; whilst giving users the capability to manage risks by trading on signals in different lot sizes; or by a percentage of their account balance. This denotes that the Telegram Connector software is also flexible as it allows traders to control risks by buying or selling gold in fixed lots, while trading forex by percentage.

Moreover, traders can customize the use of the signals channel by setting the EA to move to Stop Loss (SL) or to Take Profit (TP) at a certain number of pips or price level, as the case may be.

Other customization features include controls for setting a trading signal on a pending status for a specific period; or as an instant order but based on a specific money management instructions on every channel level and for different signal providers.

Significance of Double-Entry Method in Accounting Software

Accepting credit card payments is commonplace in most businesses, as statistics reveal that 80% of American consumers use credit cards most of the time. When looking for an accounting software to record all your business transactions, the best ones are those that record credit card sales using the double-entry accounting system. That way, recording of credit card payments will take into account every component of a credit card sale.

The Double Entry Method of Recording in Accounting Software

While there are accounting software that simply inputs sales based on the transaction amount, whilst categorizing the payment as either Cash Sales or Credit Card Sales, such an approach follows the single-entry method of accounting.

The accountant in charge of summarizing the entries into a financial report will still have to analyze how much was generated as Net Credit Card Sales. Bear in mind that in every credit card payment, a small portion actually applies as payment for credit card processing fees. The fees are collected by credit card companies from merchants as part of the credit card accreditation arrangement.

If an accounting software uses the double-entry accounting method, it will be easier for the accountant to distinguish the Net Credit Card Sales. The recording system will automatically reduce the amount recorded as Credit Card Sales by an outright deduction of the credit card processing fee that a credit card company collects.

Generally, it will take about 24 – 36 hours for a credit card company to process and record the transaction in their accounting books. This denotes that the merchant still has to wait for 2 to 3 days before the actual cash is transferred to his or her bank account. An accounting software that uses the double-entry accounting system will then follow through with another entry to record the actual cash received from a credit card transaction.

To illustrate by way of example, we will use American Express Cards as our model. Based on the most recent Statista report, there are about 1.103 million credit card users in the U.S. while more than half (54%) of the credit cards in circulation in 2019 were American Express (AMEX) Cards. AMEX cards are easy to activate because once a cardholder receives his or her plastic card, activation by way of confirmation can be done online via the americanexpress/confirmcard web page.

Supposing a merchant accepts payment by way of an AMEX card; this comes with a 2.5% processing fee collected from that merchant. Now here’s how a double-entry accounting software will reflect a credit card sales transaction

Let’s say a customer used his AMEX card to pay for a merchandise worth $100. An accounting software using the double-entry of recording will take into account the following:

1. On the Day of Credit Purchase

An Accounts Receivable from AMEX (Debit Entry) — $ 97.50
Payment of AMEX Processing Fee (Debit Entry) —- $ 2.50
Sales (Credit Entry) —————————————— $100.00

Take notice that the total of the Debit Entries ($97.50 + $ 2.50) is equal to the lone Credit entry for Sales of $100.00. Moreover, the transaction is not immediately recognized as a Cash increment, while the processing fee is immediately recorded as an Expense of the merchant. In effect, the fee reduces the actual Sales generated from the credit card transaction. This further denotes that another transaction will be recorded by the accounting software once AMEX transfers the cash to settle the credit card purchase of the customer.

2. On the Day AMEX Transfers Cash to Merchant’s Bank Account

Increase of Merchant’s Cash in Bank Balance (Debit Entry) ————————— $97.50
Settlement of Accounts Receivable from AMEX (Credit Entry) —– $97.50

This entry reverses the original recognition of the sales as a receivable from AMEX, while at the same time, reflects an increment in the merchant’s bank account.

Inasmuch as the double-entry method recognizes every component of each credit card sale, it will be easier for the accountant to summarize the transaction as well as prepare financial reports in a timely manner.

Features that Car Owners Would Like to Find in a Car Insurance Mobile App

Like most industries, the car insurance business is faced with greater challenges of keeping up with the changing lifestyle of car owners under the new norm. The need to be more competitive with offers, must also take into account that today’s customers particularly the millennials, have a penchant for mobile technology. They shop around not just for coverage, but also for innovations that will make it possible for them to save time and money in getting all processes done through their smartphones.

Car insurance companies cannot dismiss the new trend as just another passing fancy because as it is, every industry including the government sector, now operates online and by way of digital technology. Still, while a car insurance mobile application is a factor that can attract a potential customer’s attention, there are features that can make some car insurance apps more desirable than the others.

After all, shopping around for a reasonably priced car insurance policy with adequate coverage is no longer as daunting as it used to be. There are now websites that can provide information about the nearest car insurance companies in a specific location; along with real data that enables a customer to make side-by-side comparison of quotes. One such website is Car Insurance Near Me, which has a compilation of info on nation-based average costs of insurance per state, minimum requirements per state, average costs of insurance based on brand and similar other useful data, all for making informed decisions.

Features that Car Owners Would Like to Find in a Car Insurance Mobile App

While there are websites that can provide real time quotes, rates and requirements, those looking for insurance providers will also compare the capabilities of their mobile app. Below are some examples of features that potential customers look for in a provider’s mobile car insurance mobile app:

Simple but full process automation of insurance claims in case of car-related mishaps and incidents.

All-in-one approach particularly for full insurance coverage on damage or loss of car, legal responsibility to a third party, and the potential medical costs.

Capability to provide an on-demand request that becomes useful in emergency situations. There are instances when a person who has to drive a car for a long trip, but not fully subscribed under a travel insurance plan. An app’s capability to process even at least a temporary insurance on demand at any time is a worthwhile app feature.

Data analytics, a feature that works only if an app is hooked up with a special device installed in the automobile.The app can perform analysis and assessments of car and driver data collected by the device, This permits the insurance firm to monitor the actual mileage of the car as well as driving style of the car-owner to establish the cost of the policy.

While this feature may seem to favor the insurer, the car owner on the other hand, will be more safety-conscious in knowing that his or her driving style could increase the cost of the car insurance coverage.

How to choose accounting software correctly

Writing invoices, preparing annual financial statements, and keeping an eye on the account: good accounting software makes accounting a play just like playing games in kiss918 site.

The analysis criteria for comparing accounting software

User-friendliness: This was about questions of mobile use and the automation of booking processes as well as user guidance.

Functional scope: If the processes for creating offers and invoices are well covered, there is a cash book, a VAT VA and an EÜR can be created and other important functions.

Interfaces: Is there an ELSTER interface and functions that facilitate data exchange with DATEV and the tax consultant. The latter is important for optimizing the preparatory bookkeeping.

Support from the manufacturer: This area includes questions as to whether there is a manual, videos or, for example, an FAQ area and whether the user can request help by phone or email.

If you buy accounting software, this 4-step process for comparing the accounting programs can help

  • Needs analysis: Investigate the areas in which the accounting program should relieve you. Is it the creation of offers and invoices or, for example, document management?
  • Analysis of the provider according to the 4 criteria: usability, functional scope, interfaces and support
  • Use the test phase
  • Final decision and implementation

Advantages of booking yourself

Preparing receipts and documents for the tax advisor involves work. So if there is a way to digitize receipts quickly and easily, then there is a lot to be said for booking it yourself. If you’re using accounting software that digitizes these documents quickly and reliably, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t.

If the number of your receipts per month or per year is low, you can do this in no time. If you also use simple bookkeeping, you can even do without a tax advisor entirely.

Disadvantages of booking yourself

The more complicated your business processes, the higher the risk of making mistakes. Deliveries to other EU countries are a good example of this. Complicated VAT regulations apply here, and mistakes are costly. The same applies to the determination of profits. Creating an EÜR is usually easy to do if the scope of the bookkeeping is small. The EÜR becomes treacherous when it comes to complicated questions about the valuation of fixed assets or special tax issues.

SME Loan Broker Singapore And Accounting Software For Businesses

When starting a business, one of the major and urgent need is coming up with the funds to get the business up and running. One possibility is to apply for a business loan. However, as there are numerous loan options to choose from, it may be confusing for soon-to-be business owners to get the right type of financing.

Loan brokers could help in this process. SME Loan Broker Singapore, for instance, offer quality services and products on various loan financing options that will match your business financing needs, such as business working capital bank loans, business term bank loans to name some.

After your business is up and running with the right business loan financing, it is imperative to make certain that you monitor every financial transaction that takes place in your business for you to effectively manage your finances. This is one major reason why businesses should have a reliable accounting software.

Accounting Programs For Businesses

An accounting software, nowadays, have become an essential in many businesses as they have recognized the benefits of effectively managing finances as compared to doing it manually. Although financial management is meant to help businesses in managing budget, it many circumstances, it actually has become a factor for financial loss.

Accounting systems, which are also known as accounting apps and are developed and designed for accounting specialists to manage accounts as well as mainstream financial operations in businesses or organizations.

These accounting systems could be a simple, single-entry software that is utilized for individual record-keeping or could be a much more advanced wherein you could use it to manage various aspects such as salaries, invoices, accounts payable and receivable, ledgers, as well as the assets of the company. Because of this, many businesses and organizations have begun to make a switch to reliable accounting programs or systems which allows them to track and monitor every financial transaction they make and be able to quickly create financial reports.

Importance of Accounting Software

A long time ago, prior to the introduction of accounting apps, tasks involving finances were done manually making use of large transaction ledgers and journals. Unplanned, impromptu or emergency reporting in terms of finance was impractical as accounting managers had to manually and painstakingly consolidate entries. With innovative accounting software and systems, these tasks are automated, significantly cuts down accounting costs, as well as allow the business or organization to make better and smart financial decisions because of real-time reporting.

An accounting software is a valuable asset for businesses and organizations as it considerable streamlines the accuracy and efficiency of every task and data that involves finances. Besides this, there are more advantages to having a reliable accounting system.

  • Ensures that there is control in the finances
  • Allows businesses to save more money
  • Data with regards to finances are more accurate hence bettering crucial decision making
  • Security and protection of data is improved

Should You Push with Your Crypto Investment or not?

Cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that’s created and also, managed by using advanced encryption programs otherwise called as cryptography. Cryptocurrency has made a huge leap from being just an academic concept to becoming a virtual reality with the introduction of Bitcoin all the way back in 2009.

While Bitcoin has consistently attracted massive followers for the subsequent years of its launched, it has also captured the attention of both media and investors in April 2013. This was the time when it peaked at 266 dollars per Bitcoin or BTC after surging tenfold in preceding sixty days. BTC sports a market value of around 2 billion dollars at its peak. However, it plummeted half of its value after a debate regarding the future of crypto in general. Even so, it doesn’t stop the creation and launched of new cryptocurrencies in the market like Binance and Coinbase.

In fact, people these days who are investing in such crypto are smarter and taking calculated risks as they check Binance and Coinbase review or any other crypto review before making a decision. The question though is, are these alternative currencies will overshadow traditional currencies in the long run or it’s just a fad that will eventually fade out?

What the Future Holds for Crypto?

Believe it or not, there are several economic analysts who are forecasting a gigantic change in crypto making it institutional money. Besides, there’s the chance that crypto would float onto NASDAQ which will add to blockchain’s credibility along with its purposes as alternative to traditional currencies.

Then again, there are some who are predicting that all cryptocurrency needs is an ETF or Exchange Traded Fund that is verified. ETF will undoubtedly make it simpler for people to invest in BTC. However, there’s still should be a demand to crypto investment which may not be generated automatically with a fund.

Bitcoin Explained

One thing that you have to know about Bitcoin is the fact that it is a decentralized currency that is using P2P technology. This enables all the functions similar to the following:

  • Transaction processing
  • Currency issuance and;
  • Verification to be performed collectively by its network

While the decentralization renders BTC is free from government interference or manipulation, the downside is that, there’s no central authority that can guarantee that everything runs smoothly. And this is one of the risks that every investor has to understand when investing in Bitcoin or any cryptocurrency for that matter.

Accounting System – Advantages And Possible Disadvantages

There are a lot of factors to consider when getting a business underway. One of the most important factors is funding. If you don’t have the funds, you most likely won’t be able to begin your business venture. A lot of aspiring entrepreneurs acquire funds by taking out a loan from a lender, credit company or financial institutions.

For instance,, a licensed money lender Singapore, could provide such funding support to entrepreneurs who are just starting to be able to pay salaries and keep the business up and running. They offer business loan solutions where determined entrepreneurs can choose from their various term loans depending on their business financing needs.

This licensed money lender Singapore provides quality loans with no hidden charges to meet your financing needs, whether you are an entrepreneur or not. They have also technologically advanced their system so people can safely access their system and apply for a loan even when they are on the go.

Advantages And Possible Disadvantages Of An Accounting Software

Of course, the goal of setting up a business is to earn an income. Hence, businesses should have a business plan, which is another important factor, to ensure business operations are smooth and that your inflow of money is greater than your outflow. Otherwise, you risk losing your business. Hence, businesses need a reliable accounting system to outline and organize all your counting processes and transactions such as accounts receivables, payables, payroll, and general ledger.


There are many advantages to having a reliable accounting software. Below are some:

An accounting software could save you valuable time, money and other resources by:

  • Making data entry simple and fast and where importing and exporting data is done at once
  • Accounting data are more organized and accessible when you need it
  • Processes becomes quick like making a sale as well as producing an invoice without any delay
  • Certain tasks become automatic such as calculating salaries and generating pay slips
  • Generating reports become automatic as well like reports on profit and loss, inventory accounts, customer accounts, and debtors and creditors
  • With an accounting system, the chances of errors being committed are lessened because of computerized calculations
  • Several accounting software also support other features like online banking as well as other online-related workings


There are possible disadvantages to an accounting software as well. So, if you are looking into shifting from manual accounting to computerized accounting, consider the following possible disadvantages:

  • Having an accounting software, with all the features they have and you need, may cost you more compared to a paper-based manual framework
  • In terms of usage, you will most likely require some basic help or assistance in setting up your software and records bundle. You may also have to purchase for annual upkeep, updates and back-up for your bundles.
  • An accounting software is meant to go well with most types of businesses. If your business is extremely unusual or rare, you might need to change some of the ways you do business to match it, or probably pay much higher to adjust your bundle so it would fit your needs.

The Best Money Lender – What To Consider

best licensed money lenderWhen we experience financial problems or need extra money to meet your financial needs, many search for the best licensed money lender to ensure they are reliable and trusted. After all, the best licensed money lender is supposed to be there to help you out when you have financial problems, not direct you towards a debt trap.

To be the best licensed money lender, it is crucial to take consideration of the following elements to ensure you and your business is labeled as reliable, trusted and professionals and experts in the market and industry you are in. Let have a look at a few:

Licenses and Accreditation

Acquiring the necessary licenses from the right government agencies is a crucial factor. A license is proof that the money lender or the money lending company you decide to transact with are working and operating in the accordance to the law. This would mean that if something goes wrong or amiss at some stage in the transaction process, you will be able to seek out the intervention of the court. On the other hand, accreditation from the right accrediting team will verify to clients that you and your company are reliable and trusted professionals and experts.

Rate of Interest

When it comes to looking for a money lender, people are smarter now as they ensure that the interests won’t accumulate to the point that they would have a tough time repaying the loan. They then look for lending companies with the lowest interest rate.

Payment Flexibility

People who seek out money lenders need financial assistance; hence they also look for companies that offer diverse and flexible payment plans that would fit their budget and ability to repay the loan.

reliable accounting softwareAlthough people don’t look into this when searching for the best licensed money lender, companies have to make certain that they have a reliable accounting software. A reliable accounting software or systems are created to manage accounts as well as streamline financial operations in a company or organization. Having an excellent accounting software has a lo of benefits. Below are two.

Increased Data Accuracy

According to auditors and accountants, one of the most significant benefit of good accounting systems reduces error made by humans which typically happens during data entry and calculation processes. Errors in financial statements can lead towards crises and problems that may impact the lifespan of your business as well as its reputation. A reliable accounting software could keep these from happening.

Improved Financial Data Security

The most classified and confidential data and information that a company or organization should protect is their financial data. If this precious data goes into the wrong hands, you will certainly encounter immense problems. Hence, store and keep your financial data safe with an accounting system that is protected and secured by firewalls.

Trading with Binary Options, What You Should Know

When contemplating on placing your investment assets in binary options trading, the first step to take is learn the important facets of this financial trading concept. Start with knowing why many have taken interests in putting their money on binary options. In the same light, have an understanding that there are also risks involved.

What are Binary Options and What Makes It Different from Conventional Methods of Trading?

First off, have a clear understanding that binary options are investment products, which you can offer as trading instruments. However, under binary options trading, you stand to either gain quickly or lose all just as fast.

Trading with binary instruments is quite simple because you simply have to give a “Yes” or “No” answer, to signify your decision to invest a specific asset. That is mainly because trading on binary options works within a limited time frame..

Simply stated, prospecting on an investment product and its future gain works only up to the expiration of the date or time on which you are officially recognized as a party to a specific binary options trading activity. .

Keep in mind that binary options come with an expiration of time or date. When said expiry time or date is up, you can gain if your futures projection on your asset is on the side of the strike price; or that price that yields the profit you expected. However, if the price is below the amount you projected as future gain on an investment asset, you stand to lose your money to those who traded on the outcome or the position opposite to your Yes or No decision.

In binary options trading, the results are exercised immediately, which means if you gain you get to claim the profit right away but based on the yield you projected. Similarly, if you lose, your investment asset goes to the trader/s who made a bid against your futures projection. Win or lose, you do not have the right to sell your investment asset.

It’s as simple as placing a bet on a high or low number, which makes binary options trading sound risky. That is why you cannot just dive into it without completely understanding how you can reduce, if not eliminate the risks involved.

Important Aspect to Look for in a Broker Offering Binary Options Trading

As in any kind of financial trading, placing your investment asset under a binary options trading-arrangement, requires opening an account with a reputable and licensed broker. It is important to check if the broker is duly recognized as a licensed and/or registered broker in your country, because some jurisdictions do not recognize binary options as a legitimate trading activity.

“IQ OPTION LTD” ( for one, is a certified broker in Europe. It is recognized and registered with the EEA ànd Cyprus SEC  under the trade name IQ Option Europe Ltd.

However, this broker does not offer its platform and services to users in Australia, Belgium, Canada, U.S. and middle eastern countries like Israel, Iran, Palestine, Syria and Sudan, or in Southeast Asian countries like Japan and North Korea.

Stay In Control Of Your Personal Finances

To have personal finances under control, you need a system and an overview. 

Do you know why many people have problems dealing with money? Because they lack an overview of their own financial situation. So before you seek for personal money solution to get cash, you would like to see the whole scenario of your finances starting by tracking your personal income and expenses. Your financial vital parameters form the basis for this.

How to Properly Manage Your Money

Here are specific tips on how you can better control your everyday payments.

1. Write everything down

If you want real control over your personal finances, there is no way around routine logging of your income and expenses. You can use a notebook or household book in a classic way.

If you like digital solutions, you can also use an app or other software for budget planning. With a finance app, you always have your household book with you and can keep control over your personal finances in just a few simple steps. The apps are often free of charge. The most popular finance apps include:

  • Moneywise
  • VSB financial planner
  • Money Journal Lite
  • My finances
  • Money control

2. Set yourself a spending limit

An easy way to limit your daily spending is to set a daily spending limit. It is best to take an hour or two at the beginning of a month and check how much money you have at your disposal in the coming month. Basically, you should always try to pay debts and bills first. This will prevent you from getting into a financial emergency.

3. Plan your purchases

Before you go shopping, make a shopping list. This will prevent you from buying things you don’t need or spending money that you don’t have. If you want to go shopping, set a budget beforehand, which you can then use freely.

4. Use a multiple account model

This way requires a bit more effort but is very effective to keep an eye on personal finances. Instead of one account, you open several and assign a specific purpose to each account. For example, you could open three accounts to get started. You use the first one as a normal checking account. Here you receive your salary and pay the fixed monthly expenses. You use the second account for annual invoices. This way you guarantee that these will be paid on time. You can use the third account as a leisure account. There you pay a certain amount each month, which you only use for extras.

In this way, your necessary expenses are always separated from your leisure expenses and you do not spend more money than originally planned.

Core Reasons for Investing in Accounting Software

Businesses these days should take advantage of accounting software. For one, it can provide countless of benefits that they have never imagined. Now, there are more reasons to invest in reliable and good software to further boost your business operations. You may feel skeptical about these advantages. But would you still have skepticism if even experienced bankruptcy attorney San Diego and other professionals are suggesting to use such?

The Push You Need

Probably, you want some proof of how you can benefit from it. In that case, let us go get into it.

Reason number 1. Saves Time

As you opt to buy accounting software, you’ll be surprise how much time you could have saved than doing manual bookkeeping. The suite is capable of processing both front end and back end transactions simultaneously.

So to give you an example, you can create bank deposits, prepare customer invoices and write checks without hiccups and the software will process everything in a jiffy.

Reason number 2. Uninterrupted Financial Monitoring

When performing manual accounting, majority of the tasks are done at the end of year when all records are finally prepared for tax assessment and administration purposes.

Not like when you have computerized bookkeeping, you will be able to instantly create and keep tabs of the financial records while getting thorough reports at any given time you want.

Through this, the company can constantly monitor financial records of the business while resolving early concerns before it transpires to a bigger problem.

Reason number 3. Improved Cash Flow Management

As you use accounting software, you have the capability of recording and tracking both payables and receivables. This allows you to become aware of the current and even the future status of cash flow. Thus, enabling you to have better and improved cash flow management.

So to give you an example, you may enter customer invoices, due dates or even your own bills and get valuable reports that’ll tell you whether your receivables are enough to cover for upcoming bills. Moreover, you may keep records of your bills and invoices which could help in preventing overdraft charges and late fees.

Reason number 4. Easy to Learn and Understand

More often than not, small business owners are squeezing much of their time to doing the most tasks at hand. With this case, carving out the time to learn new program may be a hindrance. Luckily, accounting software programs are intentionally designed and programmed to become user-friendly. This way, even average users can easily and effectively use the system.

Integrate Your Business Payment Process With A Good Accounting Software

How you manage your company is often considered in two main phases: you sell the product to the customer and then the customer buys the product. However, the payment process is very sensitive and it should be handled with extra care. This is true particularly if you take care of business online or when you deliver long term products and services such as in the insurance or stock market. You ought to streamline the process from recommending 2020 stocks to watch in a bullish or a bearish market. The payment process is not a simple transaction as it needs intricate invoicing and proper handling of sensitive detailed information.

Small Business Payment Processing 101

Occasionally, misunderstanding or disputes regarding the bill can easily toss an issue between the company and the client. It becomes very disappointing if a customer finds exactly the product or service you are looking for but disliked the billing issues. This is the reason why a managing director has to monitor the entirety of the operation from product inventory to marketing. However, the managing director will also have to pay attention to the presentation of customer bills and invoices. The saying goes: “It is not what you say, but how you say it!”

Let’s take a look at a few examples here.

Qfolio’s John Lasiter’s first advice is to have a strong and good relationship with customers, and he says, “A genuinely great association with your clients constantly helps the payment process faster.” Would you feel secure giving cash to somebody totally unfamiliar, or to anyone you may have known for just for a while? So it is important to really make them feel secure and let them know they are in good hands. It even helps if you tell a little bit about the history of your company and some cases that you have helped, for example from previous customers. This will reassure new customers that you have come to the right place and will have no qualms about making your payments on time.

One more word of advice from IAC professionals’ Heather Villa recommends that you ought to be totally transparent with the whole process in payment. She says: “talk to the customers and walk them through the entire payment process, step by step.” Not only does this help you, but also customers to get a thorough look at the negotiation, but it also raises any doubts or questions customers may have. We all loathe these hidden fees or uncertainties when it comes to payment, so make sure your customers never have to go through it!

Once a good relationship has been built, let it grow through email marketing and integrate it with the right accounting applications! Having a good accounting software for your business streamlines the transaction from purchase confirmation to a smooth payment process.

How Advantageous it is to Use Accounting Software?

The availability of advanced and cutting-edge accounting software made it possible for business owners and managers to run the financial transaction of their business. These suites can be programmed to meet specific tasks that the client needs. In fact, some programs are designed for doing simple bookkeeping and accounting while some could be designed in a way that it can manage the whole financial goings and comings of big business or even handle crypto trading activities you have like

The integration of accounting software can help SMEs and large corporations to maximize their accounting department’s resources in a more efficient manner. All this while reducing expensive bookkeeping costs and mistakes. Basically speaking, eliminating human errors along the way.

Advantages Associated with Accounting Software

Truthfully speaking, there are various benefits that are linked to accounting software and these include but not limited to the following:

Improved Accuracy

One of the benefits included in using accounting software is the increased accuracy by means of eliminating human errors in terms of calculation. Manual bookkeeping procedures do consist of tons of mathematical calculations done manually. Believe it or not, just a misplacement of dot “.” in a given financial figure is enough to create massive impact on ending balance.

On the other hand, computers are machine that are almost impossible to make such errors. However, take into account that accounting programs aren’t absolved from human errors like interpretation mistakes or data entry. Thus, getting one from trusted and reputable distributor is a must.

Speed of Completion

As you use accounting software as part of your business operation, it can significantly help in processing its accounts with higher speeds compared to manual procedures. Part of the speed increase is brought by the computer itself, which can process figures way faster than what a human brain can comprehend.

Not only that, accounting software lets an organization to further improve its efficiency through automation.

Reducing Overall Costs

The advantage brought by efficiency and speed from accounting software goes side-by-side with reduced overall cost. Using accounting program lets every member of your accounting team to be more productive in a certain period of time. Meaning to say, what a team of ten for instance can be done only by a team of five or three.

Understanding Lawsuit Loans before Applying for One

Facing a lawsuit is an unnecessary expense. It forcefully eats your time, energy and resources. But during such times, there is no better way to navigate through this than taking lawsuit loans. If you are dealing with insufficient income coupled with mounting bills, many plaintiffs would want to borrow money towards the proceeds expected from the lawsuit, which is otherwise called by many names like:

  • Lawsuit loans
  • Lawsuit cash advances
  • Settlement funding or;
  • Lawsuit funding

Taking a lawsuit loan is not always the best decisions you can ever make. However, if all else fails, this can be your salvation – considering that you’ve done thorough research and looked at every angles of the situation.

What Exactly is Lawsuit Loans?

Filing suit could be costly and also, time-consuming. In the event that your injury has caused you to lose your income or to incur unexpected expenses similar to medical bills, then this can automatically affect your finances.

If you’re in such a predicament, then you may consider a lawsuit cash advance or lawsuit loan to be able to ease out the financial stress while you’re waiting for the settlement of the lawsuit.

By taking out such loan, the lawsuit funding company will buy your right either to all or portion of the lawsuit settlement or award in exchange for the advanced that you receive while you have a pending case.

Believe it or not, there are a number of businesses that are filing for this type of loan. The reason why they are doing that, it is because of failing to provide accurate financial statements, which can be easily avoided in the first place if they are using accounting software.

What’s in it for You?

As a matter of fact, there are two main benefits of using lawsuit loans and these are:

  1. It changes the tide – with this loan, it can offer you the space needed if you can’t cover your expenses such as auto loan, mortgage, medical bills and the likes throughout the lawsuit.
  2. Time for settlement – say that you depend on the award or settlement to provide payment or income for needs such as medical bills, then taking lawsuit loan may give you enough time to work out on settlement offers. Being the plaintiff, your primary goal is not to prolong the litigation but to acquire a fair result. So if the defendant isn’t open for settlement, then the lawsuit loan may just provide you with financial wherewithal to go on trial.

What To Look For In The Best Accounting Program?

Many businesses are handling too many financial transactions, from a no guarantor loan, accounts payables, accounts receivables, purchases and more. You naturally want everything to be organized and this is where the best accounting program comes into place.

The best accounting program, of course, depends entirely on what you are looking for for your company. We compare the various accounting programs online. You get an image of the best accounting software. You can immediately choose the accounting package that best suits your business and open an account online!

What Is The Best Accounting Program For SMEs?

Best accounting program without accounting knowledge

It is important to compare accounting software based on your own knowledge. For example, are you already a star in accounting? Then you need less support and automation. If you do not have any accounting knowledge, it is important that as many tasks as possible are automated. Consider, for example, scan & recognize where your invoices are automatically recognized and posted. Or an automatic bank link where the program makes booking suggestions.

What functions do you need?

It is important to look in advance at which function you need. On this basis, you can choose the best accounting program. You can see which program has this function and what price you pay for it. Of course you not only want the best for your company, but you also don’t want to pay too much for it. Via our site you can compare online accounting programs based on function and price. You can immediately see which accounting software is the best choice for your company.

Easy bookkeeping with scan & recognition

A feature that is certainly recommended for entrepreneurs without accounting knowledge is scan & recognize. With scan & recognize you only need to scan and upload your invoices. The accounting software reads your invoice and makes a booking proposal. You can then change this or agree immediately. Your invoices are then immediately booked. Your accounts payable are easily monitored and up to date. This way you no longer have to decide for yourself how everything should be booked.

Online invoicing with the best accounting program

The best accounting program naturally has an online invoicing. With the invoicing module, you can prepare and send invoices directly to your accounting software. The invoices are of course provided with your own house style. With a number of accounting programs, it is possible to send a payment link. Your customers can pay the invoice directly with, for example, iDeal. After paying the invoice, it is immediately processed in your debtor administration. This way you will always be aware of the outstanding items. That makes online accounting completely manageable.

Accounting program tailored to your business needs

It is then nice if your accounting package is tailored to your wishes. The best accounting program for freelancers, for example, is simply designed and provided with online invoicing. Most self-employed people want to manage their bookkeeping without spending a lot of time. It is therefore important that a large number of tasks are automated. This way you spend less time keeping up with your administration.

As an SME you often have to arrange more than just booking a few invoices. You usually also employ staff. A lot of administration is involved with personnel, such as keeping track of contracts and wages. The best accounting package for SMEs has been expanded with HRM software. With this, you can manage your staff without the need for separate software.

The best accounting software package offer

The price for the best accounting program can sometimes vary. It is worth comparing prices and modules. Through our site, you immediately get an idea of ​​what a new accounting program may cost. You can also immediately compare the accounting packages. You can then close the best option via our site. With most software suppliers you get a free trial period. With this, you can immediately get acquainted with the program and see if it really suits you.

SAP Beginner Tutorial

It’s always great to have an edge. Learn the basics of SAP and grow your business.

T Accounts for Dummies

Yes, yes, yes, we know that – T Accounts is some hard stuff. Check out this easily explained T-Accounts that can help you on checking your cash flow.

Finest Accounting Software!

Bookkeeping is an essential part of the business. Who doesn’t want to be off track on his business, right? When you started a business, you want to make sure that the cash flow is in check. You don’t want to lose money from unaudited finances because of too few many “loose change”, procurement with no receipts and cash takeout from on the counter. Tedious to think, aye? It’s a lot more when you do T-balance on a spreadsheet over your table, manually writing down every cent, checking every receipt and pressing your calculators to see if the cash flow is on balance.

Check out these 10 most-loved accounting software that can change your business!